Oppdateringene vil ikke bli mange, da det er lenge mellom hver gang jeg holder på med prosjektene, som nevnt tidligere.
Rett og slett for at overskriften ikke skal bli for misvisende i forhold til det jeg skriver om.
Den var jo i starten kun tenkt som en side om mine biler :-)
(Ikke nok en blogg om klær, sminke, interiør eller trening.)
Dessverre "selger" ikke en bilblogg til noe svært publikum heller :-P
Og de som velger å ta turen innom, forventer noe helt annet enn bilder av stua hjemme, feks!
Litt inspirasjon før jeg tar kveld her:
To my english readers:
I'm considering making my blog a pure car-project blog again, instead of writing about stuff that goes on in my daily life!
I myself would find the headers description a bit confusing as a reader, who are most likely expecting this to be a CRX-blog, and not another fashion, interiors or fitness-blog -like every other blog these days!
(First off I can explain the title of this blog: CRXjenta means "THE CRX-girl". I'm known for my cars, therefore the nickname. Simple as that.)
Let's just face it; a girl who writes about car-projects, owning four EF CRX's and one CR-Z is not exactly what most blog-readers are searching for these days, right? Most people would skip it after that intro also, concluding with "this chick is mental!"
I know I have "readers" from around the world who doesn't understand a darn word on this blog, haha!
So this post is for you guys who doesn't know Norwegian. :-)
To the EF-lovers out there!
I will make a post about the changes I've made to each car so far.
Here's an old pic of my CRX EE6 (The black one on the left) and the EE8 Vortech -before vinyl wrapping and such.
I would love to hear from you guys what you think I should add to this blog :-)
Maybe I'll continue writing in english as well ;-)
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